On PBS there has been this documentary on called "The War" which is about WWII. I am a huge WWII buff and watch everything that comes on the ol boob tube that is about the big war in 1944-45. I have TIVO'd every episode so far and it is great. They focus on people that went to fight in the war and those who were still here in the US and had to worry/deal with loved ones going to Europe and the Pacific. Very eye opening and it really makes you think about how the the US people really supported our soldiers back then without question. It is so different now, so political. I don't usually voice my opinion about things like our latest war, mostly because it is a very controversial thing and I want to make this blog fun. However, it really bugs me when people are against the war (and I am talking about the ones that give the rest a bad rap) then in the next breath say that they support the troops. These people that I speak of are the ones that you see on TV at anti-war protests and turn rowdy and violent and have to be delt with by the police. These people give the rest of you that do not support the war a bad rap and are usually the ones who talk about still supporting the troops. My wife, I believe, does not support the war but at least she can talk about it and not get so upset that she has to become aggressive to show people how she feels about what is going on in this county these days. People like her are the ones I like discussing the current state of our country with.
WOW that part of the post got off on a different tangent.
Here is a pic of my new phone.

Try not to pee yourselves with excitement and jealousy. Ok well I know that this phone is not the best and does not have the most features of all the phones out there but you have to understand that I am used to having phones that are about 3 years behind the times. While this new phone is not the Apple iphone, I also do not like having to pay hundreds of dollars a month for a cell plan with all the program fees to be able to use the iphone. This Samsung is my little slice of heaven. I can finally do things like have a picture come up when someone calls me. I also now have a camera phone.......with a flash!
Today was another rainy day and we hung out inside. I watched the Packers bitch slap the Vikings all over the field today. K asked me at one point if #4, Brett Favre was the best quarterback ever (I think she was trying to give some crap) and I told her no, but he was pretty darn good. Today #4 broke the all time touchdown record for quarterbacks with a final tally at the end of the game at 422. He also broke the record for most pass attempts buy a quarterback at 8000 something. There are other good quarterbacks out there, but none that have meant so much to there teams for the past 15 seasons. Payton and Tom have along way to go to break the records #4 is putting up. With the way free agency is these days who knows how long these guys will stay with there teams. While I am not one of those people who have a shitty day if there football team loses, and I do not care one way or another about how the Packers do this season, I did grow up in Wisconsin so I can say with confidence..............the Vikings still SUCK!!!!
On a different note tomorrow is another week of bowling and we have to bowl against the team we are tied with for 1st place. We, as a team, have decided to wear purple as a team color this week and I cannot find any purple, plain t-shirts. The only ones I find are Vikings shirts and I would rather be kicked in the balls than wear a Vikings tshirt. Refer back to above statement.
It is now 11:44 and I am now wide awake.......still. Maybe I will watch some Desperate Housewives and some Brothers and Sisters.