And here she is as a asian beedle.........I mean ladybug.
And here she is after having to much to drink at Uncle Mongo's!!
To much fun and way to far past bedtime for the E. Hope you all had a great halloween!!
Does it seem like I am getting a little to (or too, S) broke up about the cocoa puffs being gone? Well I am damn it, I love cocoa puffs and the boxes are not big enough. I also just woke up after a wonderful 3 1/2 hours of sleep today, and I was looking forward to a nice big bowl of my favorite cereal. Instead I have had to settle for about a 1/4 bowl teaser serving. On the up side I guess this small serving does help control the weight.
Today is Halloween and my child is once again getting dressed any 18 month old should. Last year she was 2 different things for Halloween. Costume #1 was this.........
............that is right she was a cow. My aunt loves cows and bought her this costume. As you can see E was more than happy to wear this. Sorry Aunt V, E was tired and grumpy this day.
This would be the second thing E was for Halloween last year......
......yup she was also a chicken. Barnyard theme anyone?
So this year we decided to mix things up a little, we are dressing her up as one of those annoying asian beetles. You know the ones that look like ladybugs, but actually they infest the outside, inside, and every where in between parts of your house. And they stink. Ok you got me, none of that is true. We are not making E a stinky bug. She is a ladybug though and a dang cute one at that. I will put a picture up of her later since my wife has decided to not download the pictures that we have of her onto the computer yet. Did I mention that we have had these pictures since last week. Oh well, a little late is better than never.
Happy Halloween All!!!!
Oh? Didn't I mention we have a window right in the middle of our shower? WELL WE DO!! And I show the neighbors my wang all the time. WHAAAAAA??!?!?! Did I just say that? Yup sure did, sometimes ya just got shake it a little for them to let them know your still there and to say hi!
Ok none of that statement is true. Except the part about the window in the shower which you can plainly see in the pic.
I am going to post one more pic today. It is of K and I on our wedding day. We just got a second CD of our photos from the wedding because we lost the first one.
AHHH, look at that wedded bliss. Obviously this was taken before the rigors of owning a house and having a little gremlin running around tore those smiles off our faces. J/K people!!! Of course we are still happy and smile like this...........usually when we are so drunk we can't walk. C'MON PEOPLE!!!! These are the jokes, you can laugh or just sit there...I have hours of this shit just waiting to be told!
Good night everyone, you have been a great audience. Next show is at 9, and don't forget to tip your waiters and waitresses!!
That is is the country music star, Sarah Ev.ans! I don't know what it is about her, but every time her new video "As If" comes on the ol CMT, I stop what I am doing and watch it. She is just so beautiful and not your normal celebrity. HELLO SARA, boo Paris!!!!
And now I will close this little post by saying.............................I AM GOING TO RODNEY AND YOU ARE NOT SUCKA'S!!!!! HA HA HA J/K. But really.......
It is now 3:35pm and my attempt at sleep has failed. It is rainy and dreary and the perfect environment for sleeping. FOR ANYONE EXCEPT ME I GUESS. My body, who thinks it knows everything, has decided that I should be awake to sit downstairs and look out the window at the drops coming down. Thank you body..........I loathe you.
Since I am up I have decided to tell you all some things that you might not know about me, and some that I might want to admit to, but I have time to kill and so I will post again.
So here we go:
1. I love to sit on the couch with a down comforter and just be cozy warm.
2. I like to light candles that smell good. Yes thats right I said candles.
3. I like to shop and buy clothes.
4. I also like manly things like guns, beer, and pizza.
5. I like to watch "a wedding story" on T'L'C'
6. No I'm not gay.
7. I also watch "a baby story" on same said channel.
8. I really do love my life.
9. I am afraid of failing as a father.
10. I hate oatmeal, but love K's oatmeal cookies.
11. I also hate green beans, asparagus, and most vegetables.
12. I do like corn, carrots, broccoli, potatos, lettuce, and celery.
13. Ha, this is lucky #13.
14. I am scared to death that I won't get to say goodbye to my grandma when her time comes. I love her and miss not seeing her. She has been a big part of my life.
15. I am a republican, but am also pro-choice.
16. I think it would have been fun to live in the 50's, 60's, or 70's.
17. I really want to go to Washington D.C. to see the WWII memorial,
18. I really, really want to go to Europe to visit the battle sites of WWII.
19. I would not have made a good hippie. I like showers to much.
20. I may not always like the responsibility of being a father, but I would not trade E for anything in the world.
And now a couple of pics.
This is one half of my whole world.......
Well I need to go get ready to go into town. I need to get to Tar.get for a prescription and then off to bowling before going to the dreaded work.
Have a great night all.
This is the Springfield XD .40 caliber, subcompact handgun. This is the little gem that I am going to buy if I get some gift cards to Cabela's.
.....used to have small trees and weeds all around it, the paint was worn off, and it was just a dump. Now it is painted this green color, it is getting new windows, and as of this weekend it now has a new roof. It looks really nice and is such a change.
This is our next door neighbor's house. Her house also had very little paint, bad roof, and was also kind of a dump. This is the house before and after.
I have had the same pair of bowling shoes for many years now and I have worn a hole through the slide pad (the white part of the shoe shown above) on my old pair, so last week I ordered the ones above. I can't wait to get them. UP.S tracking says they are in RW as we speak and they will be delivered today........when I am not home, DAMN IT.
I guess that will about do it for now. I have been up since 4am and getting E's bag packed for her trip to T and H's today, finishing drying clothes, putting away things, and getting myself ready for the day.
Lets pray for a quick day.
They are damn cute and I miss not having a dog around. PLEASE K!!!!!!! THERE'S A COACH PURSE IN IT FOR YOU!!!!! Isn't bribery a wonderful thing!?
Not much going on this weekend as I have to work. It has gone pretty fast, but I wish it would be done so that I wouldn't have to go in tonight.
Oh Well.
Is that chick cute or what?? And she is not shy!! Every since our vacation when Uncle S taught miss E to stick out her belly, she does this pose all the time, usually with clothes on though.
Man she is going to hate me in 14 more years when I show this pic to her boyfriend. HA HA I am evil.
Thats about it for now.