Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Happy Birthday to Me.......early!!
This weekend K and I are going to a birthday party for a friend of mine from the PD. His birthday is on the 4th, mine is on the 9th, and my other friend from the SO has a birthday on the 12th. OH, and another guy that I work with just had his birthday today. WOW what a weekend it will be! E will be at pappa and grandma's on Saturday night for her first overnight away from us. It will be fun, but wierd at the same time. I cannot remember the last time I was childless for the whole night.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Friday was about the busiest, most mentally draining day I have had in the jail. Lots going on in the afternoon, and lots of needy inmates that wanted to talk about every 30 seconds. I am not kidding, we did not have a peaceful second in the office until 5:30 when everybody locks down. Saturday was a bit better, and then yesterday got worse again. In our Special Management unit there are 4 different units. A=women, B="special needs" crooks, C=work release/sentence to serve, and D=disciplinary segregation. Well C and D units are no big deal as they are pretty calm. A and B units however, are a different story. In A unit there was a girl that thought it was funny to wipe her blood on other women in jail. We put a stop to this quickly so there would be no riot, and locked her down pending disciplinary action. She didn't think the blood wiping was a big deal and thought it was funny. That was until we explained that she could get new charges pressed on her by everyone she wiped the blood on. Then she began to cry and sob like a 2 year old. We will know Wednesday how this one turns out.
In B unit we had 2, yes 2, men that wanted to kill themselves, and yesterday was going to be the day that it happened. I caught one beating his head on the wall in his cell. He quickly got moved into intake for observation. The other one had somehow gotten a razor blade from one of the razor we hand out to shave with and was making a week attempt at slicing his wrist. Anybody who knows anything about slicing the wrist knows you have to go up the arm and not across the wrist. He did not, and he didn't want to give up the blade. He was ordered to give up the blade, and he when he didn't and started to go at his wrists again, he got sprayed with pepper spray, then tackled, and handcuffed and brought to intake for observation. He did got to the ER to get checked out and we found out that he did not do any real damage when he cut his wrist, just surface damage. So now they are both in intake wearing suicide smocks (or suicide dresses, as I like to call them).
OH and then I hear about my daughter puking up everything she ate and drank yesterday. Then last night she puked once after I got home. It smelled SOOOO bad that I almost lost it. I have a pretty strong stomach, but I almost puked myself when the smell hit me. YUCK!! Today though, she has had 2 pieces of toast, water, and a little OJ and has kept it all down. Thumbs up E!!
Time for a nap for the Ol' E, so I will bid you all farewell!!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Long Day
E has been feeling like crap the last couple days and this morning we finally decided to take her in. We thought that she may have an ear ache, but the doc says no. He thinks she has some sort of infection but not it the ears. So we are now on Amoxicilin and hope that the E will be better soon.
After our trip to the doc, I took E to Cul.vers as she was telling me she was hungry. We went in, ordered, played until the food came, and then E ate about 4 fries. Thats it. No more, no hamburger, no chocolate milk, no nothing. Then we get home and she states she is hungry again. I make chix nuggets and slice a banana, and she eats none of it. I have finally settled on goldfish crackers, and she seems to be happy with that.
Off to work for the next 3 days, hopefully it is slow. Now please enjoy a couple of pictures I took while in the doc's office.
Well thats about it for now. I shall try to post this weekend. Must now go now and start to fix dinner.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
BURRRRRRRRRR, still cold
Not much going on so far this week. I had to work the last 2 days and that was ok. It was nice to be away from the jail for a week and it is amazing how refreshed you can be when you come back from that time off. Things with my Sergeant are normal.....right now. I did not have a chance to confront him so far this week because it was busy the last 2 days. It is on my agenda for this weekend though.
Bowling Monday night was pretty sweet. I threw a 199, 215, and a 241. I had a perfect game going through the 7th frame where I only got 9 out of 10 pins. Then I struck in the 8th, then spared in the 9th, then stuck out in the 10th. I was kind of upset, but what can you do? Next week will be here soon and I can't wait to try and best myself again this coming week.
E has now awoke from her slumber, so I must feed her.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
And It's a New Template!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Colder Than a Withces Titty!
Friday, January 18, 2008
And THERE is the kick in the nuts.......
Normally I do not try to swear in my posts, but FUCK am I pissed.
Well this week went great with training and I had a lot of fun. In doing this, I regained a lot of perspective, and my overall happiness with my job increased. At the end of the class today, after all the students had left, the training Sergeant was talking with me. He told me that I had come a long way as a deputy, and that he was proud of the changes he saw. He was there to train me when I went through the academy almost 3 1/2 years ago, and he was also there to teach me when I went to academy for Field Training Officer class. It was nice to hear him say this and I felt even better when MY training Sergeant said the same thing. I was even told that I could come back anytime to help with an academy by both my Sergeant and the other one.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
AHHHHHH Training
The big highlight though, is going to be tomorrow when we stop at Cabela.s after we are done training! I can't wait. I have only been to the East Grand Forks location, and I was not very impressed. So this should be fun and a good time. We have no extra money to spend, but it should be a good time anyway.
Anyone want to sell anything?? Don't know how to use E.bay? Well if you are from the Red.Wing area and would like to get rid of some of your stuff, let me know. I am starting an E.bay consignment business, like in 40yr old vrgin. If you are interested, please let me know and we can talk.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Pic of E's Room
Ok, so I had some other pictures that I cannot find now. I will get a couple more and get them up this week.
T, Thanks for your last comment and YES I know it was you who left it! I to hope that H and E can be best of friends, and someday, maybe even J's little one can be part of the crew, even though he/she will be a couple years behind.
Well time to get to bed so that I can get my ass out of bed in the morning.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Friday...oh wonderful Friday.........well, for you.
Onto other things. I have a new blog! It is called "its about the photos". You can go check it out by clicking on the link calls "Badges Evil Twin"! I would really like to have your feed back on how they look. TnB, I would like to especially get your thoughts as you are the photo guru in the family!
Must now go and drink my LOVELY glass of Pinot Noir! MMMMMMMMM WINE!!!!!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Yes, thats right, it is a pill case that your grandmother and maybe even some of your mothers use. No I am not 60, and No I do not take so many pills that I need this to put them in. I only take 2 pills a day. 1 Omeprazole (heartburn) and 1 Allegra (for the cats) and thats it. I, however, like to forget to take one or both on a fairly regular basis. So I bought one of these things to see if it would help. And it has, I now see this blue thing every morning when I walk to the kitchen from the bathroom, and I remember to take my pills. 31 and I already have to use one of these. RIDICULOUS!!!
Have a Happy Friday everyone!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Delurking Day
Well, today is Delurking Day. I want to know who you all are! So, I'm asking the following, and please answer, even you lurkers who never comment on blogs!
Who are you? Where are you from? What's your favorite beverage? How old are you?
I'll go first: I'm Greg, I'm from Red Wing, MN, I am addicted to Dt. Pepsi, I am soon to be 31.
I am going to take All Up in the Koolaid's lead. If you leave a comment, I will also take a picture of anything you want (Within Reason) and post it on the blog. I will gladly do nudity (or not), or take a picture of our bank routing and account numbers (because there is so little in there that I don't care if you steal from us), and I will gladly take pictures of my social security number so you can all get a $200 limit credit card!!
Anyways, leave a comment get a picture!!
Do you smell that??
I am still trying to get out and take some photos, but it seems E does not like to stop on the side of the highway so that I can snap a quick one. I did get this one the other day.
I thought this old truck on one of the local farms was pretty cool. This was before most of the snow was gone and I really want to get a shot of it when there is a fresh snow fall, because the truck looks even better.
Not much happening this week. Lots of work and trying to get ready for 5 days of teaching next week. I was chosen to teach new trainees how to run a direct supervision jail, and to help out with IPC (inter personal communication) skills. The IPC part I find a little funny because I am not and have not always been very good at it. I am trying though.
The child is very cranky right now, so I am taking her upstairs for a nap.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
New Couch = Whole New Look in the Living Room
Not much else going on today.
Rachel, in response to your question, Oh Captain is K's cousin who I get along with really good. I wanted to give him some crap because they were suppose to call us to go out on Friday night and then did not. So that is the story behind that!
That's all for now.
I'm Sorry
Captain: I should have read your blog, and I forget to read comments to see responses sometimes. I would love to get the book from you and will set something up soon.
We are now off to RW to look at couches and maybe pick one out today. Wish us luck!!
Saturday, January 5, 2008
The Couch...............S
Ok maybe I am being to hard on you guys about last night, but your lovely wife did say she was going to call us. She must have been to drunk.........wilst having all that fun and laughs.
This is no way to get me to play poker at your house.
P.S. I am not mad or upset as it may sound in the post above. Sure would have been fun to go and bowl and drink.........and be merry.
Friday, January 4, 2008
One more post
This is what I am thinking. Because my blog is not about the badge or anything badge-like, I am thinking about changing the name of my blog. I have thought of a few and will put them up for a vote. If you have one that is funny or "fits" that is not on the list feel free to throw it in the ring. So here they are.
1. Team Awesome.
2. K's Baby Daddy
3. Life of a MN Dad
4. Mr. Huge
Maybe they are ok, maybe I should just stick with the one I have already, but it was just a thought.
Any ideas???? Opinions????
And again
This was a birdhouse that was out side E's daycare. I thought it was neat.
This was a lonely icicle hanging on the playhouse at daycare. Again kinda neat.
This is our neighbor's car. I kept telling him if they didn't move it, the car would get plowed in. He didn't listen and now it will be April before he can drive this thing again.

And this is a church I saw on the way home from the cities yesterday. We were waiting at a light to turn into a Caribou for a coffee.
After talking with Timbo the last couple of days, I have decided to start taking more pictures and see what I come up with. I have a new, pretty nice camera that I got for christmas. Short of spending $500 on a SLR, I think we made a good choice. So I am going to give it a go and would really like you guys to let me know what you think! Hmmmm, if it goes well maybe I will start a photo blog like the Timbo has.
Funerals are sad...........
I think there were some good things to come out of this though. We got to see family that has not been here in a long time (even if the circumstances were not the best). I somehow feel closer to some of K's cousins, like Meg and Ash and K, that I don't get to spend much time with. I hope they can make it up more often, because I think they are wonderful and fun people. I would love to get to know them better.
Because grandpa is a vet, grandma was buried at the federal cemetery in Ft. Snelling up in the cities. Death is never fun, but while we were waiting I had to take some pics. I have never been here before and had only observed the cemetery from the road. I was overwhelmed by the number of people who are spending their days in this hallowed place now.
And this was not even a good start to show you how many graves are here. There are SOOOOO many more. It makes it even more sad to think of all the people that have come to this same place, for the same reasons that we did.
We will miss grandma. She was a firecracker of a lady and was very loved.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Last minute last night I get a call from K who was on her way home, and was told we had free babysitting and we were going out for New Year's with all her family. We had a few laughs, a few drinks, more laughs, and finally some delicious food and more drinks. We got home a little before midnight and by the time we got ourselves and E inside, we had missed the fatefull hour.
I paid for this fun 3 fold today at work. I got about 4 hours of sleep last night and then went to work this morning. I was fighting falling asleep all day and I cannot believe that I am still awake.
So with that in mind I am going to wrap this up. If you would like to see the fun pics of our outing last night, please go to K's blog!! Night all!