Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Well I was "tagged" by both Max's Mom and by Father-of-Five and oddly they were both pretty much the same meme. Both have me telling 7 things about myself that people may not know. SO I think I am going to try and tackle both meme's in one post. And here we go.

1. I sing along to Neil Diamond, and Bing Crosby when I am alone in the car.

2. I was officially made a Field Training Officer Tuesday at work. I got certified to be one about 1 1/2 years ago and they made me jump through a whole bunch of hoops since then. But yesterday I finally was given the pin to wear and put on the oficial list of FTO's. It is not a big step up, but I am extremely proud of the accomplishment.

3. I snore bad. I have sleep apnea and I am suppose to use a c-pap machine to help stop the snoring. I don't use it. I should. I hate the way it feels on my face, and I only keep it on for 2 hours a night anyway. I admit I have not given the machine a fair shot, but I am hard headed and hate to try new things.

4. I love bowling. Not just like, but love. If we had millions of dollars, I would become good enough to bowl on the professional tour. Really. (I have the PBA recording on TIVO every week)

5. I am scared to death to have more kids. Not just because of all the things that could go wrong, but also because I am affraid of being a good father to just 1 kid, how am I ever going to handle 2. How is it possible that I am not affraid of 50 criminals in a housing unit, but I am TERRIFIED of having 2 children in the house by myself when K is gone?

6. I am good at many things, but master of none. I wish I had my college degree.

7. I really want to travel to Europe and trace the route of the Allies from Normandy to Belgium. For some reason I have embraced WWII as something I have become interested in. I am not quite obsessed with WWII, but I am about as close as you can get without being obsessed.

And there you have go. I actually started this on Wednesday, but needed some time to think. This was very much harder than I thought it would be. I don't think I am going to "tag" anyone by name, but if you would like to do this then consider yourself tagged.



  1. First, do you sleep in the same room as your wife? Because my husband snores loud too, and he is driving me INSANE.

    Second, a college degree doesn't really do anything for you. I have a bachelor's degree, yet my John (who has no degree) makes twice as much money as I did.

  2. Hey a college degree means nothing. I am shy a few credits and do you know what-most of the interesting people in my life don't have them.

    As for the MEME-thanks for doing it. I know ur busy so thanks.
