Thursday, May 29, 2008

Lazy Thursday, sort of.....

Today was rainy and cold in the ol MN. Ellie and I didn't do much except take a ride down to get the mail. We have watched many the cartoon, and now I am watching "Into the Wild" while she is taking a nap. I will let you all know how it was or if I would recommend it for you to see.

I have been a little productive today. I have washed all the dishes we have used today, and I have done 4 loads of laundry. Now I am making dinner so that it is ready for when the wife gets home. It is a turkey breast tenderloin that is flavored with garlic and lemon sauce. Not sure how it is going to turn out, but we will see!!

That is about all for now. I am going to watch this movie and see how it is.



  1. I loved the book, so let us know how the movie is. It is one I have been meaning to see.

  2. Hope you enjoy the film.
    You do the laundry, wash the dishes and make dinner. They don't make them like you in Scotland!!! He-He!! :-D
    Your wife is a very lucky lady.

  3. Greg-you are suhc a great hubby. Wow-laundry and dinner ready.Too damn sweet.

  4. I'm not familiar with that movie.

    Thanks a lot for lobbing that weather over here (straight east, as it turns out). Really. We needed the rain.
