Alas we are finally home and unpacked. We have all the laundry done, things put away, and are trying to get settled back in. E had no problem with that on Sunday night though, the minute we came in the door she was chasing the cats and ran to her toys in the living room. I think she was glad to be home to.
We had fun and it is always nice to get away, but I think it is funny how when you go on vacation you are always glad to be home again. The nice thing is that in just a couple of weeks we will get a break from everyday life again because we get to go to a wedding! K's cousin is getting married in St. Cloud and we are staying Friday and Saturday nights and then coming home on Sunday. E has now started dancing a lot whenever she hears music so it should be fun to watch her at the wedding.
I promised in the last post to get some more pics of our vacation up and so here they are:

So there you are. The North woods is a great place and at times I wish that we could move back there. I grew up in that area and now looking back on it, I had a wonderful childhood and took a lot for granted while living in the North. And now we are back to smelling cow crap and other farm smells.
Well it is time for E to lay down for her nap and me to get some stuff done around the house. Another post coming soon!
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