I will say that it was awful hard to keep from laughing when I saw the result of this picture last night.
I have already received some presents early and will show you one of them. This is an electric wine bottle opener that my grandma gave me. I have not had the opportunity to try it out yet but I am sure that over the Christmas/New Year's holiday we will be able to give it a whirl.

My mom also sent us her gifts. We (as a couple) received a family picture that was taken last fall at a professional photography place. The picture turned out really nice, even though I had worked the night before and had not been to sleep in many hours. She also got us a gift card for gasoline! What a GREAT gift! That gift helps the pocket book what with the prices so high, and us owning a mini-van! Both gifts were wonderful and the picture is lookin good on the buffet in the dining room.
E has once again given me a doosie of a cold. Seems like I get over one cold and am find for a week, then I get a new cold that lasts for 2 weeks and really slams me. I just hate feeling like crap. I also have this weird thing about being sick at Christmas time. It seems like every year around Christmas I am sick as a dog. NOT FUN when you have a 19 month old. The last 2 nights I have been in bed and sleeping between 6:45 and 8:00 and have slept the whole night through. I just never do that.
It is now time to take the child to her crib for some night night time. I can't believe she can be tired already, but she is laying on the floor with her blanket and baby, sucking her thumb, and looking up at me like "why the hell aren't you taking me to my bed yet?"
K is 8 and still hates Santa! I like your new photo on the profile sidebar too! I had to say the "wine opener" did remind me of another stocking STUFFER. hee hee
Hehe..the Santa photo is a classic. That'll be perfect for her baby book.