Thursday, March 20, 2008


That was quite the rant. Sorry to dump all that on you all. It is just real frustrating when you have a coveted "county" job that is suppose to be so wonderful, but then turns out to be such a joke. I love when you get a raise and you actually take home less after your raise than you did before your raise. Tax brackets can suck my b@lls!!

On the brighter side, my daughter hates to have clothes on lately. For no reason at all she walks up to you and says "off......pants off". This better not be a trend throughout her life!! Ha that was a joke people. Time to laugh :)



  1. Porgie LOVES to be naked too. I think our kids are twins or something.

  2. Christy -no kidding, huh. I thought the cullie thing was just something E did and I was so worried she wasn't going to learn to speak right!! I was so glad to hear Porgie says color the same way!! Whew relief! Over worried mommy syndrom coming atcha! Ha! Long lost twins sounds just about right!
