Thursday, May 29, 2008
Lazy Thursday, sort of.....
I have been a little productive today. I have washed all the dishes we have used today, and I have done 4 loads of laundry. Now I am making dinner so that it is ready for when the wife gets home. It is a turkey breast tenderloin that is flavored with garlic and lemon sauce. Not sure how it is going to turn out, but we will see!!
That is about all for now. I am going to watch this movie and see how it is.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Diego......animal rescuer????
Anyways, Ellie is watching this heroic "rescue" and started yelling opplepoos!!! Now even though I hate these 2 shows, apparently Ellie does learn something from them. She frickin said opplepoos (or octopus as we would call it)!!
I almost spit out my peanut butter sandwich (just for you Daddy-O) from laughing so hard at the way Ellie was carrying on. Then in the middle of all of this, she starts yelling "PICHANGA"!!! What in the hell is pichanga I ask myself? I soon find out, when I ask Ellie to point to "pichanga" what she is saying. Any guesses? Baby Jaguar. Yes you heard it right. Baby Jaguar is what pichanga is. I guess.
2 year olds crack me up!!
And now its Wednesday
I have been working a lot the last few days, and it is going to be nice to be gone from our building for the next couple days. I wish I could tell you guys all the scandalous details about what is going on, but there has been a gag order put on us. But oh, when and if it is lifted, I have a juicy story for you all!!
Home has been busy too. We have been digging up flower beds, planting, mowing, watering, and just general clean up. I am hoping to get out and do some more work tonight when Kris gets home. It is time to do some tree trimming, and I think I can get some of it done myself. I am going to try and tackle some of the smaller stuff, and then a friend from work is going to come over and he and I are going to take down a couple trees and trim a few others. His dad used to own a tree trimming business, so my friend has the experience. Plus he is going to do it for steaks on the grill and beer!!
Normally, a tree service that you hire would charge about $400 a tree. We have 3 trees that are coming down. So steaks and beer is really a pretty good deal!!
Well I hear Ellie is walking around upstairs. Time to go and get her up and get some breakfast.
More soon,
Friday, May 23, 2008
Field of Honor
Here are some photos from tonight.

Tomorrow we start re-doing our flower beds. We are getting all our flowers and hostas from BOO BOO and Daddy-O. We were looking at buying all our flowers and such from a nursery and we were dreading the bill on what this was going to cost us. Fortunately for us, the in laws are getting a new driveway and need to tear up a flower bed that is in the way. This equals lots of flowers and hostas for us.
I hope to take some before pics and then some during and after pics as well. Maybe, if I work hard, we will have a transformed front yard!!
Till Tomorrow.
Monday, May 19, 2008
1 weekend down, many to go
After work last night we went and got some groceries. While in the checkout line, a large man wanted to give me a high five because I was wearing a tshirt he liked. Then he noticed my hat, which had the sheriff's star on it. He then proceeded to tell me how he was going to sue the police and sheriff's department for not responding to his call for help. I was also told that he was going to get a couple of my co-workers badges. This kind of rambling went on for about 3 minutes. He wen on and on and finally I had to tell him "I don't mean to be rude, but I am trying to shop with my family." I guess he got the point, because he said he was sorry and walked away. I am guessing that he was not right in the head, and may cause the local dispatchers some headaches. We were not in RW, and so I was trying to be as polite as possible.
Ellie and I are home today and it is suppose to rain. Yippee. I am going to try and play inside and make it fun for her.
Well I have to go and try and make Ellie's 24 month doc appointment. Wish me luck, and hopefully I can post later again today.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Birthday Party #2
And there you have it. We had a good time and wish we could see them more often. It is not often that my sister gets to see Ellie, so it was nice to have her down here to!
I work my first day of days tomorrow morning and I couldn't be more excited. It will be nice to be with my family at night again and not have such a screwed up schedule.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
BIrthday Party #1
Ellie received many nice gifts and I think she had a lot of fun too!!
Here are some pics from the evening.
I am finally headed back to days starting on Friday. I am not real sure how long this is going to last though. A guy from a different crew is going to road patrol and this would open up a full time intake position. This position is a coveted one that I am the next in line to get. This does mean that I would have to go back to nights for a little while, but it would mean that I would have to position that I really want to be in. So right now we are just waiting for the official word to come out that the other guy is going to the road. It should be no later than July when I switch.
Not much else going on, so hopefully I can remember to blog and also FIND the time to post.
That is all for now.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Baseball and flower delivery
Here is the Wife and I, pre-game.
And Joe Mauer stretching before things get started.
Here you see David Ortiz and Manny Ramirez getting warmed up.
The first pitch!
And last but not least, the "Security" for the game.
During the day before we went to the game, I delivered flowers with Daddy-O. He works part time for a local flower shop, and on big holidays I usually help him out if I am not working. My job is to run the flowers up to the house and say things like "Happy Mother's Day", or "Happy Valentines Day", or "Here is your damn flowers, maybe you should turn up your hearing aid so I don't have to stand in the rain holding these damn flowers!" Ok, I don't ever say that last one, but I will say that when I work with Daddy-O, the majority of the deliveries I make are to ladies that are 60 or older. Most are around the 80 mark. It is kind of fun to see a simple thing like flowers make an old ladies day!!
Nothing planned for today. I have to work at the jail tonight for an OT shift. Then I only have 2 shifts of nights left before we go to days starting this week Friday!!
Happy Mother's Day to all you blog mommies out there!!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Happy Hump Day
Because I work nights and I am an overtime whore, I missed our bowling banquet on Monday night. I got done at midnight and was met by my team down in the locker room. They then informed me that if I did not come out for a couple beers, I would be pepper sprayed and tased. This of course was a joke, but when you have a taser pointed at your chest, you tend to do what is asked of you. So I went down to the local watering hole, and they gave me this.
These are the awards I got at the banquet. The 3 medals are actually really lame. The patch and trophy are for most improved averaged for men. I guess I went from a 166 average to a 182 average. Not to shabby.
The interview did not go so well yesterday. While out in the waiting area, I heard the guy who ended up doing the interview, talking to 2 guys about how they had warrants and should not do anything stupid to get caught. STRIKE ONE. Then I heard him talking to someone else about smoking weed. STRIKE 2. Then the kicker was I heard him say "My interview works for a sheriff's department, why would he want to come work here?" ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? So as you can imagine, when I went back for the interview, I was not really interested anymore and I let this guy know. It ended with me telling him that the interview was a waste of both of our time, and that he should really watch what he says when he by the waiting area. I then got up and told him that I hoped his 2 guys with warrants didn't get caught. Then I left. Very disappointing.
Well that is about all for now. WAIT!! I forgot that I had gotten tagged by Penny~n~Pounds. I need to list six weird facts about myself. So here it goes.
1. When I open a pack of gum, I have to always go in order. If someone (Kris) takes a piece out of order, I get upset.
2. I am ridiculously early. All the time. I hate to be late, and am most often at least a half an hour early.
3. I do not like cake or ice cream most of the time. I occasionally have a DQ blizzard, but that is a once in a while thing.
4. Cocoa Puffs are still my favorite cereal. I am 31 years old. Cocoa Crispies are my second fav.
5. It irks me when Kris uses the dishwasher to wash Ellie's dishes. They are small and easy to wash. No need to use the dishwasher.
6. I have a set routine to get ready for work. If I don't follow it, I usually forget something. Here it is. Start shower, put contacts in, take clothes off, shower, dry off, get clothes on, pack reading stuff for work, pack lunch for work, take stuff out to car, check to see if I forgot anything, grab cell phone and wallet, get in car and go.
And there you have it. Have a great hump day!!
Monday, May 5, 2008
It sure has been a long time since I posted last.
I have been working a lot over the last 2 weeks and I am ready for a break. I have to work again tonight. I have off tomorrow and then I am back to work on Wednesday and Thursday. Then Friday the wife and I are going to the Twins game for our anniversary. I can't believe it has been 3 years already!
Well this is a short post, but I wanted to let all of you know I am still here. Here, but busy.
More when I get some free time:)
Thursday, May 1, 2008
May 1st!!
On Tuesday I have an interview at 10am up in the cities. I am not going to go into a lot of detail about this, but if it goes well, I will share the whole story with you. On Tuesday night we have another meeting with the people who own the buisness we are trying to buy. Then it is on to work again on Wednesday and Thursday night.
Next week Friday will be our 3 year anniversary and we are going to the Twins game. It will be nice to get out with the wife for some alone time again!
I was tagged by Amanda, and I swear I will get it done as soon as I get some time.
Hope all is well with all of you. Our blog friend (who we will hopefully get to meet this summer) should have had her baby on Tuesday. She knew it was a boy and his name is going to be Hudson. I hope things went well for her and we will see some pics of her new bundle of joy soon!!