Thursday, May 15, 2008

Birthday Party #2

Tonight we had a nice time with my family for Ellie's birthday. We met at Liberty's, which is a local restaurant. The food was good and it was nice to see everyone. Then we headed down to Levee Park and opened the gifts that we for Ellie. Here is some pictures of the opening.

And there you have it. We had a good time and wish we could see them more often. It is not often that my sister gets to see Ellie, so it was nice to have her down here to!

I work my first day of days tomorrow morning and I couldn't be more excited. It will be nice to be with my family at night again and not have such a screwed up schedule.



  1. Ellie is just such a pretty little girl! Glad your shifts have changed to something more 'family friendly'.
    Take Care,

  2. Ellie-Happy Birthday and it must be nice to see your family. Good luck at work Greg!

  3. hey buddy-
    Hunter has that same dress!! They could be twins some day.
