Sunday, October 19, 2008

More Proof of My Lack of Smartness.

Looks like a normal hand, right? Well keeping going and you will see what it turns into.

What is that?!?!?! A strap?

Now 2 straps?

Hey look at that........its a brace to immobilize my middle finger because I have a fracture in the knuckle closest to my palm.

Thats right folks, I have one NEW break from my little wall escapade earlier this week. They also found 2 other breaks that were old. There was a big discussion about doing surgery right away last Wednesday, but then they decided to give me this. I have an appointment on the 29th of this month with the orthopedic surgeon to decide if they are going through with the surgery. From what I have read, the most common fixes for the type of fracture I have is surgery.




  1. I guess you won't hitting anymore walls for awhile.. Hope it heals up soon..

  2. Shocker???

    Sorry, it was too easy and had to take it.

  3. I hope the bones set on their own and that surgery can be avoided :)

  4. That sucks. I think you need some chocolate ice cream:)

  5. So you are learning to write left handed! It is good for the brain! My hand healed up perfectly after several months of therapy. Glad you could be there Thurs. for your sister! Let us know how the doctor's appointment goes.

  6. Hey, when they are in there doing the surgery, ask them if they can put in some robotics and a couple of interchangable digits. That way you can remove your finger when you need a phillips head screwdriver or a mini-flashlight or something. That would be cooler than Luke Skywalker's robot hand.

  7. Ok... Ok... Ok...

    No one else asked.. So I gotta..

    Along with this break they found TWO MORE older ones?

    Your going to have to stop this activity.. It seems to habit forming!!

    Hope all is going well..

    On an unrelated note... My brother-in-law was just hired as a DOC officer (in another state)...

  8. WOW! remind me not to piss you off! =)))
