There are a precious few moments in ones life when you know, without a doubt, that you are witnessing true history that someday your daughter will learn about when she is in school. In my life so far, I have witnessed the Berlin Wall falling, the 9/11 attacks and now the inauguration of the first African American President. I am sure there are more that I am forgetting, but these are the ones that really stick out in my mind.
I watched the swearing in, and the first speech by our new President while I was at work. I felt like I needed to wittiness this moment in time. i needed to see the oath as it was recited, and I needed to watch as our new President gave his first speech to our country, and this speech moved me beyond what words on this blog can describe. One of the things that impressed me is that President Obama wrote the entire speech that he gave today himself. That is right, HE wrote it. Not some lackey on the sidelines making sure that the President does not sound or look foolish. I think that we have had enough of that in the last 8 years. When President Obama speaks, he inspires people. He offers hope, realism, and a true vision for the future of our country. When you hear President Obama speak, there is little doubt why people compare him to Martin Luther King Jr.
Yet with all the history happening today, I cannot believe the amount of people who I work with, and I am not just talking about the crooks, that had NO IDEA what was happening today. Now I can see how you might not realize what day it is and have forgotten about the inauguration. What I don't understand is how on earth some of the educated people I work with can't seem to grasp why this day is so special. One co-worker actually said "who cares about the inauguration, its just like every other one we have had". WHAT!?!?!?! Are you kidding me?!?!?!?!
I just don't get it.
At any rate, I am proud to have witnessed the history that was made today. I would have loved to be at the National Mall to celebrate today with the estimated 3 million + people in Washington D.C. today.