Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Shit its cold out

As my mom would say "it is colder than a witches tit in a brass bra" outside.  And windy.  Which means all that nice new snow we got last night is blown up against the garage door, around my car, and across my front sidewalk.  

Thank god my FIL is coming out to blow everything out for me.  You see since I have injured my back and now move like an 80 year old man, pretty much any physical labor I do will re-injure the back.  I am light duty at work until the end of this week, but think I might ask the doc to extend it for another week.  The back is better but still not great.  We are going to night in little less than 2 weeks which will be a welcome break from the business of days.  I may not be on nights for long though as I applied for a new position within the jail which would allow me to work basically 8-430 with no weekends or holidays.  I would stay at the same pay, but would not be able to work over time.  Our fingers are crossed that I get this position.  

I think that is about it for now.  I have to get the snow blower ready for Daddy-O and color with Ellie.



  1. LOL!
    In Scotland we have a similar saying. "It would freeze the balls of a brass monkey"
    But being Scottish we pronounce balls as "Baws"!!
    Keep warm and hope the back is better soon.
    Good Luck with the new job you are going for!
    Amanda :-)

  2. At least the cold should keep the crime rate down (and crowd the jail less), and the large inmates might start to hibernate, after you give them enough nuts and berries.
