Monday, October 22, 2007


So I find out this morning that my car had no taillights. It had rear blinkers, brake lights, and emergency flashers, but no running tail lights. So I check the fuse, replace the fuse, and everything works again. Then I go to bowling. We leave bowling and I get a call from one of my teammates saying that I have no tail lights. SHIT!! So I change the fuse again, and it blows immediately. So I put at 15 amp in, and that lasts about 2 miles and that fuse also blows. SHIT!!! So I put a 25 amp in just so I can get home with taillights. This did not work. About 200ft after I started driving again, we smelled burning/melting in the car. I stopped and took the 25 out and drove home with emergency flashers on now dreading the cost involved in fixing this car. Have I said SHIT yet???

Fortunately tonight at bowling I did pretty well. I started out like crap with a 147 in the first game, but rebounded with a 196 and a 191 in the second and third games. We only won 2 points out of 7, so our team did crap. This will definitely put us out of 2nd in our league.

Work was work the last 2 nights, and I am happy that this is my short week. My friend KQ and I are going to the range tomorrow and to do some shooting before I go to work. It should be a good stress reliever before I work my OT shift tomorrow night.

That is about all for now so I will close for the night. Cars suck and bowling does not. I still need a new ball.



  1. I am sorry your car is not doing well. Hopefully the 25 amp fuse was what was causing the melting smell. That's what I would assume. For the bowling, I hope the resurface for $30 does the trick for me and it truly brings the ball back to like when it was new. Have you been sticking on the approach at bowling at all. That's the reason for the purchase of the new shoes?

    See ya.

  2. Aww...this happened to me but a Lovely Police officer Flashed his Blues and I pulled over. That is when i learned I had not tail lights...I wish I had a friend call me to tell me that they were not working...That is embarrassing being pulled over ( Blush,blush)
