Monday, January 28, 2008


Well my plans to post this weekend did not go so well. I had a hell of a weekend at work and just never got around to posting when I got home.

Friday was about the busiest, most mentally draining day I have had in the jail. Lots going on in the afternoon, and lots of needy inmates that wanted to talk about every 30 seconds. I am not kidding, we did not have a peaceful second in the office until 5:30 when everybody locks down. Saturday was a bit better, and then yesterday got worse again. In our Special Management unit there are 4 different units. A=women, B="special needs" crooks, C=work release/sentence to serve, and D=disciplinary segregation. Well C and D units are no big deal as they are pretty calm. A and B units however, are a different story. In A unit there was a girl that thought it was funny to wipe her blood on other women in jail. We put a stop to this quickly so there would be no riot, and locked her down pending disciplinary action. She didn't think the blood wiping was a big deal and thought it was funny. That was until we explained that she could get new charges pressed on her by everyone she wiped the blood on. Then she began to cry and sob like a 2 year old. We will know Wednesday how this one turns out.

In B unit we had 2, yes 2, men that wanted to kill themselves, and yesterday was going to be the day that it happened. I caught one beating his head on the wall in his cell. He quickly got moved into intake for observation. The other one had somehow gotten a razor blade from one of the razor we hand out to shave with and was making a week attempt at slicing his wrist. Anybody who knows anything about slicing the wrist knows you have to go up the arm and not across the wrist. He did not, and he didn't want to give up the blade. He was ordered to give up the blade, and he when he didn't and started to go at his wrists again, he got sprayed with pepper spray, then tackled, and handcuffed and brought to intake for observation. He did got to the ER to get checked out and we found out that he did not do any real damage when he cut his wrist, just surface damage. So now they are both in intake wearing suicide smocks (or suicide dresses, as I like to call them).

OH and then I hear about my daughter puking up everything she ate and drank yesterday. Then last night she puked once after I got home. It smelled SOOOO bad that I almost lost it. I have a pretty strong stomach, but I almost puked myself when the smell hit me. YUCK!! Today though, she has had 2 pieces of toast, water, and a little OJ and has kept it all down. Thumbs up E!!

Time for a nap for the Ol' E, so I will bid you all farewell!!



  1. Your job sounds like least on this day.

  2. Your job definitely sucks. I don't know how you do it. Do E still take two naps?

  3. You better make sure you get plenty of rest and fluids and wash your hands alot. You have had nothing but a house that needs to be quarantined all winter. Sounds more like you had a little excitement to your work weekend. See at the IL's tonight.

  4. I am blessed that Emma has thrown up (knock on wood) ONCE in her lifetime thus far. And that was at daycare, so all I had to do was wash her clothes they sent home in a bag.

    One of my husband's fellow officers fell out yesterday! Just passed out. High blood pressure due to kidney stones they say. Thankfully he knew he was feeling bad and called for backup first.
