Friday, January 4, 2008

One more post

So I was sitting here, looking at my blog and I got to thinking. My posts, blog, and overall rantings are usually never about the badge. Nor are they usually about law enforcement, or law enforcement related. It is mostly family that I blog about, and about my life. While I started this blog to get a release from work, and bitch a little, it has turned out to be something different. It has been something that I can vent about life, show off my little family, and talk about various other unimportant things.

This is what I am thinking. Because my blog is not about the badge or anything badge-like, I am thinking about changing the name of my blog. I have thought of a few and will put them up for a vote. If you have one that is funny or "fits" that is not on the list feel free to throw it in the ring. So here they are.

1. Team Awesome.

2. K's Baby Daddy

3. Life of a MN Dad

4. Mr. Huge

Maybe they are ok, maybe I should just stick with the one I have already, but it was just a thought.

Any ideas???? Opinions????



  1. Greg-I think you should keep it because it is not about the badge-the badge of being a dad or an officer or a hubby etc.- it is about you-you doing it for your family etc.

    Also, do you have a whole foods near you? OR You can buy herbs for kids here..

    Also you can try to google a chinese herbalist in MN near you or you can email me and I can help to find one as well. I hope that answers your questions.

    Your a great dad!!

  2. I changed the name of my blog about a year after I started. I haven't ever regretted that choice. As for what you should call your blog...that's a hard one. #1 and #4 sound like inside jokes or something....I like that #3 tells that you're from MN b/c I like to be reminded of where my blog friends live, but I think the name as a whole is a little tame for you. #2 is funny...but I'm thinking there's gotta be something different. I'll give it some thought and if I come up with anything I'll let you know.

  3. I say keep it the same. Simply because you pretty much answered it yourself. It really isn't about the badge. It's much more than just about work. If anyone should change their blog it should be Kt. She should call her's "I should've never started a blog cuz I don't post for 2 months anyways" or I should do mine cuz I don't talk enough about work either. I'll keep mine if you keep yours.

  4. I like Team Awesome because its awesome!

  5. I too would leave it.

    Your title states the same thing(s) as your reason for wanting to change it.. It's not about the badge. Precisly! It's about everything else in your life!

    Honestly, my blog once changed titles... Well.. Less of a change as an "addition".

    What was once
    "Father of Five"
    "The Life of a Father of Five"

    So... Still pretty much the same.

    I say leave it!
