Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Good Morning Tuesday!!!...........

Ok fine, it is not morning (except in my world) it is actually 3pm. I walked out of work this morning to a somewhat blue sky and the sun, yes I said sun, coming up!! It is a sure sign that this cold and snow crap is on its way out. I hate going to work in the dark and coming home in the dark. On my way home I drive straight through the heart of farm country and although I bitch about it sometimes, it does produce some great sunrise moments. I happened to have my camera with me this morning and snapped this shot.

Sometimes it is ok to live in the boonies.

In other news, I went to the doc yesterday because I have been having a problem with my right ring finger. The knuckle that is right above the finger nail has been sore for the last couple of weeks and had gotten to the point that I could not really grip stuff well with it.

Ok well let me back up for a second. Last October I had got the same said knuckle slammed in a steel door at work and it hurt. After a couple of days though, it was back to normal. Then after use of force training last week it got real sore and has stayed that way. So yesterday I go into the doc and tell him what is wrong. He looks at it, squeezes it, bends it (not like Beckham though), and finally tells me what he thinks. He explains that when the door slammed on it, it probably broke. Then with the bowling and with some of the things I have to do at my job, it probably never quite healed. Then he says that the training last week had probably re-aggravated it, or even might have broke it again. Then the bomb drops.

NO MORE BOWLING FOR THE REST OF THE SEASON!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! WHY!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!? Ugggh, it was like a kick in the stomach. I love my bowling. I love how I am doing in my bowling. There are seriously only about 5 nights of bowling left. Of those 5 nights I will be able to attend 3. I think I am going to say piss on it and finish out the season. I know you will not like this K, but 3 more nights is not that bad, and my finger does not hurt during or after bowling (which is kinda weird).

So this is my way of breaking the news to S that I am not suppose to bowl the rest of the season, but I am going against the docs orders and will be there on Thursday night.



  1. heeeeeeeeee heeeeeeeee heeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaha

    Oh sorry I thought you said a BOWLING INJURY....
    Just kidding...hope it gets better.

  2. I'm glad that you decided to bowl. I'm sad that the doc thinks you broke your finger. I don't think he's right though. They are known to be wrong. See tomorrow night. I'll try to bowl in the 700's again but can't guarantee it.

  3. A few years back I had a herniated disk.

    After several weeks of neck pain, and a numb arm, I went it, got referral after referral, until I ended up at a neurosurgeon. He ordered an MRI and discovered I had a badly herniated disk that was pushing into my spinal cord.

    He wanted to schedule a surgery for the following week. I told him that was going to be a problem because it would interfere with my duck hunting trip.

    He had a almost cartoon like reaction - where he shook his head back and forth, and his jaw hit the floor.

    He BEGGED me not to go. I told him I was planning on going north, but not hunting.

    He replied with something to the effect of "if you go up there, you'll be hunting.. I just know it".

    After some back and forth banter, we left things "as is", and I was going hunting. (I guess he knew me pretty well after all - grin)....

    By the time I got home (45+ minutes later) he called me and said since I was going hunting, and since there was so much potential for permanent damage, he rescheduled a less significant surgery, and had already booked me for the surgery date (2 days later)..

    Dang Doctors and their "recommendations"... Always interfering - aint they??? (Grin)..

    I'm with you on this one... Three more nights of bowling??? How bad can it be??
