Friday, March 7, 2008

HOCKEY........Day 3?

Yes that is right, its day number 3. I will be going to bed and getting some sleep now, so I will be taping this mornings games. At work tonight I will be making the crooks watch it all night.

Most do not like hockey but yet it will be on tv. Remember, I do work in a place that houses criminals. I do see the worst of the worst, and yes I like to mess with them. Because I can. And yes it makes me chuckle inside when we put on hockey or nascar, because they get pissed. Really.

I have become a hard and calloused man. I should be ashamed of myself. AHHHHH HA HA HA HAHA HA HA HAHA HA HA. Ok, had to let that out. Please remember that these are criminals I am talking about. The same people that would not think twice about selling crack to your sons or daughters. That is why I mess with them.



  1. Oh G, I haven't gone any where...this new job thing has kept me busy.

    Although, I did explain that in my hehe.

    I think its awesome you bring culture to the inmates. Although NASCAR could be seen as cruel and usual.

    It would be even funnier if you made them watch "Driving Miss Daisy" every day for a week, or better yet Moulin Rouge. GAWD! That would be hilarious. The worst movie ever made! Over and over and over again. Can you just pipe that soundtrack in to their brains. I'm sure no one would ever reoffend.

    Empty a can of mace for me!

  2. I always switched it to Days of Our Lives.

    Keep up the good work!

  3. You are so cute. And I thought it was so cute about captain-he is your buddy. I know when people stop making comments-it is almost sad but then they pop up again when time frees up.
