Sunday, July 13, 2008

Saturday Scavenger Hunt

Done on Sunday because severe weather sucks my ass.

So the scavenger hunt word of the week was "bottle" as picked by me. Here is what I came up with.

Here they are, lovely maidens all in a row. These are my favorite "bottles" don't you know.

Some other favorite bottles in a friends wine cellar. He makes his own.

You DO NOT want to drink out of these bottles!!

And that is what I found for this weeks word. for next week I tag Tara! Thanks for letting me be a part of this fun little thing!



  1. Thanks for jumping in. You done good on your first scavenger hunt. I will let Tara know as well....

    I had beer bottles in mind because I emptied a few this weekend, but I did not remember to take a photo of them....

  2. Excellent bottle shots! Thank you for such a great word. I hope you'll keep playing along.

  3. Great bottle post! Welcome to the game, and it's nice seeing these other fine bloggers discovering your fine blog.
