Friday, July 11, 2008

Strait Line Winds

Well we didn't get the tornado, but we sure did get strait line winds.

It started around 1:30 yesterday when I was making lunch for Ellie. I cut her cantaloupe and she was eating it. I gave her some Cheetos and milk. I was cutting up her chix nuggets when I noticed how black the sky was out the kitchen window. It was so black that it was dark like night out. So I gave Ellie her nuggets, and went out on the deck with the camera. I got out there and the skies lightened up considerably when I took this shot.

Within a minute or two the sky changed from the above picture to this.......

HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!

So a short 30 MINUTES LATER, the rain that was blowing straight sideways stopped and we decided to head upstairs to look at the damage.

This is what we found.

And this was just our house. We took a drive later in the night and here is some of what we saw.

Of course the last photo is what the weather turned into last night. Yes big fluffy clouds and blue sky. Go figure.

So we had a long afternoon of clean up yesterday, and a real long and hot day today. What do you do after storms like we had yesterday you might ask? Well you get ready for another f**king storm tonight that is producing an ass load of tornados. Yippee. Hopefully it will just rain and we will keep our power and AC tonight.

Wish us luck and hopefully we will be back to post tomorrow with no damage to the house or us!



  1. I actually miss that sort of weather. Really. That's probably not very smart.

  2. We are really glad everyone is safe. Let us know if there is anything you need.

  3. Those are amazing photos Greg. I know it's maybe a little sick, but i am facinated by extreme weather and i would love to go on a Tornado hunting holiday. But i will pray that none visit you and that you and your family remain safe.
    Thinking of you all,

  4. Holy crap, I'm so sorry you and your neighbors had to deal with that!

    Oh and I got your link via "Random Crap". Good choice for this week's "Saturday Scavenger Shots"!

  5. I will have mine up tomorrow morning.

  6. I am thinking of you guys, hoping that the storms didn't do too much damage.

  7. WOW! THe pictures say it glad you guys are alright and the precious new Trialblazer did not get scratched hee hee hee!
