Monday, April 28, 2008

Its now Monday

Here is the thing. I went to work tonight for some OT. When I called home on my break at 9:30, the boss was a little weepy because Ellie was not going to be so good again tonight. I am not sure why this child just will not go to bed. Looks like we are going to have to be hard asses and just put her up there until she learns when bedtime is.

In other news, Kris and Ellie had dinner over at our friend T's house the other night. T has a little girl, H, and the girls always have fun together. Lots of pics were taken and then emailed to us from T. I was looking through them and saw this one.

Does anyone remember the post I wrote that had the picture of Ellie standing on a chair flashing us?? Well once again I have to say that judging by this picture, my little girl may be a hit at spring break. Lord help us:)



  1. Cute!
    Thanks for stopping by at my blog:)

    (sounds like you are a really good support to your wife- Teamwork!)

  2. Kris is lucky to have such a supportive husband. John would NEVER come home early.

  3. I am very lucky. Very lucky to have a hubby who shares in our families responsibilites 50% of the time.

  4. Hope you don't mind Greg, but i have Tagged you! The rules are on my page~ have fun!


  5. Yeah my hubby is like you Greg. I am glad there are more like you out there. As for sleep-I am not sure why she is doing that but I know it is frustrating.
