Monday, August 6, 2007

Hot days and red wine

Well it is another hot and humid day here in MN. With it being so hot I am glad to have been working inside today and not doing something like pouring cement or laying blacktop. I am also glad that we spent the money we did on the new air conditioner we bought last spring. Last summer I didn't think the new one made much of a difference other than it actually cooled the house. This year however I think that the air is working GREAT!! Man I love central air.

7 more shifts at work before we leave for vacation (not that I am counting) and it will be great. At work today I talked with the Program Directer and asked some questions about the Activities Director position that is opening at our jail. After our talk I told her that I would be interested in the position when it becomes available. It would be the same rate of pay that I am making now, and would mean 10-6 five days a week and also no weekends or holidays. The OT would be more limited but the hours make it all worth it. I would probably need to get a job and work a couple of weekends a month. So we will see what happens from here.

I met up with a friend and training partner of mine yesterday for our first run on the long road of training that lies ahead. We went 2 miles and could have gone 3 if I had realized that the sock on my left foot had slipped down and my heel had been rubber raw on the back of my shoe. Well after 2 miles I just couldn't go anymore and so we stopped. After went out and bought some new socks that will not slide down and hopefully I will not have this problem again. So the run went well and it gives me a lot of motivation to do this marathon. I have not had motivation for well over a year now and it is nice to finally have it back. B and I have ran a half marathon before and he is a great training partner and a good friend. B is one of the couple or 3 friends in town that are "my" friends. All the others are friends that I know through K. They are all great to, however it is nice to talk to a guy that we have our own history and stories. Most other times I am trying to understand stories from K's past that I have no input into because I do not know who they stories are about. So this running is a good thing.

I have been sooooo stressed with work lately and the running is going to provide a good de-stresser.

Any who I think the time has come to end my post and head off to sleep, 4:30am comes awfully quick. Good night all!!



  1. Oh man, I don't think I could live w/out central air. I don't know how people survive w/ just fans and a window unit in this 90+ weather.

  2. I though your title for the blog was "it's all about the badge"... not "its' not about the badge"... help me figure this one out!

    Your lovely, sumptious, glamourous, beautiful wife.

    hee, hee... K
