Monday, August 13, 2007


It is now Monday and we are on the last little stretch before vacation, which can't come soon enough. I have had just about enough of my job, the farm county, and RW where we work. I need the sweet smell of pine and fresh air instead of city and cow poop. Yes this is a little pitty party for Greg and as fast as it came it is now done.

Now that I have that over with, I can talk about other things that don't matter. For example, can anyone tell me why celebrity life is so amazing to lots of people??? I mean I know they are "more" privileged than the average person but I mean really. Does anyone (except maybe her parents) care that Lindsay Lohan is doing cocaine and drinking constantly, and pretty much shooting her life down the crapper?? Or does anyone really care that Ms. Britney Spears gets drunk and makes out with some college guy in a pool???? Not this guy, I work in a job that deals with drunks, pot heads, wife beaters, and meth heads and I heard one of these guys say the other day, "why is this such a big deal? You don't see us on the cover of People Magazine when we get caught drinking and driving, smoking meth, or snorting cocaine, so why would anyone care if these people do it??" It was kind of a shock to hear a guy who has been in and out of our facility about 50 times in the last 3 years for meth (and he is a huge burnout) make such a coherent and rational statement.

I like People magazine for the stories that they do on normal, everyday people that are usually featured in the back half of the magazine. I also like the crossword puzzle because, to be honest, it is one of the few crosswords that I can actually finish. I happen to know a lot of pop culture and when K asks me to answer one of the crossword clues I usually get it right (followed by a confused "how the hell do you know that" look) All I am saying is that there are many other things in this world that are much more important to talk and read about than whether or not (insert your young Hollywood actress here) has gotten a boob job.

K used to get Newsweek and while I will admit that I did not fully read it every time we got it in the mail, I did enjoy the magazine much more than the Star magazine that has now replaced it. I also read Time Magazine when the new one comes around at the jail, also a great magazine. I am by no means a big intellectual, nor do I want to read the New York Times everyday but I just feel that this country and its fascination with celebrity has gotten way out of hand. Sometimes I think that the way life was in the 50's and 60's wasn't such a bad way to live! More family time and less celeb blahbity blah blah.

Well that is about all I have for you today. There was no real reason for the rant, just some things that were on my mind.

Have a good day everyone!!


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