Monday, June 30, 2008

Is this thing on??

Once again I have neglected my blog duties, and have not posted for a week. BAD BADGE.......BAD!!

Lots going on this past week. Worked on Monday and Tuesday. After that I have been off from work and don't go back until this Wednesday.

One of my best friends from college got married on Saturday to the only girl I have even known him to date. Her name is Anna and she is GREAT!! They are the perfect match for each other. I know you are suppose to say that when someone gets married, but it really is the truth. If I could show you a video from my wedding, and you could see the way Mike and Anna danced and interacted during our wedding dance, you would know that they would get married some day. Well that day was this past weekend. I took well over 240 pictures between 2 days, but sadly some of the coolest ones ended up looking like crap-ola. Turns out it is hard to take decent looking pictures when you are mostly drunk.

Friday I went to St. Paul to pick up my tux and hang out with Mike for a while before the rehearsal. We went to his favorite bar, met up with some other groomsmen, and had a good ol time playing some pool and Golden Tee. I only got a couple of pics from the bar, but here they are.

The Bar......

The Beer!!

After we left Goby's, I didn't take another damn photo all night. I now realize it is hard to get the pictures you want to take when you are actually IN the wedding. The rest of the night was comprised of rehearsing, good food, and of course a few drinks at Buffalo Wild Wings.

The the big day came. Got up Saturday morning early, got ourselves ready, and were on our way to the cities again for pictures at the church at 11. About 10 miles from the church I get a call from Mike. The following conversation took place.....

Mike: Did you guys leave yet?

Me: UM......yeah, we do live a hour away and pictures start in like a half hour.

Mike: Huh.......well do you want to punch me now or later?

Me: Not sure, I guess it depends on what your going to tell me. You are still getting married today right?

Mike: Yeah, that is definitely still on.

Me: Well are you going to tell me whats going on?

Mike: We don't have pictures until 12:30. Anna told me wrong and it was the bridesmaids that had to be at the church at 11. Sorry man.

Me: Well I guess we will just go hang out at Caribou or something until we have to meet up.(in my head I am thinking SORRY MAN!!!!!! I AM A FUCKING HOUR FROM MY HOUSE, IN A TUX, with nowhere to spend the next 2 HOURS before pictures, and your SORRY!!!!!)

Mike: Sorry man, I am not on the ball.

Me: Thats ok. Oh, by the way, I will be punching you right in the crotch when I seen you.
Mike: I figured you would. See you at the church.

So from there, we really did sit at Caribou for 2 hours until we went to the church. They had a little play area for kids, and Ellie had a great time playing and coloring.

Then we arrived at the church and we were still the only ones there (besides the bride) that were from the wedding party. I was told that there were major problems with the hair lady and she had done a horrible job. Got a couple of pics from the church that also did not turn out, but here are the couple that did.

Those are the only ones I have from the church. Thats it.

The pictures went well, the ceremony was beautiful, and it was a good day at the church. What happens next you are asking? Well my friends, we hopped into a stretch SUV limo and head out for the drinking, er I mean reception. Many drinks were had in the limo, and it was a nice ride. We got to the reception and was time to party.

Here is some of what I saw at the reception. Once again, if you want good looking pictures from a wedding, DO NOT drink copious amounts of booze. Most of the really good photo (or what should have been) looked like junk when they got onto the computer. Oh well, here are the ones that were keepers.

Ellie did great the entire time, and was a hit both at the church and the reception. She was quiet and watched the ceremony, and danced her booty at the reception.

About 9, she hit the wall though. She was definitely tired and so we changed her into her pj's. I also changed out of my tux and into some shorts. We left the tux with Mike's parents, and headed out about 9:30. Pulled into the garage around 11pm and we all went right to bed.

It was a great couple of days, but it left us all exhausted.

CONGRATS to Mike and Anna!!! You guys are awesome, and it was an honor to be part of your wedding!!



  1. Well, that was definitely a busy day! You got some really beautiful shots of the flowers.

  2. sounds like a great time! alot our weekend minus the kids and got home at 3am! ha ha! E looks so CUTE!

  3. Wow... I really LOVE that photo with the beer, cash, and cel phone on the bar...

    Not just because it's beer...

    That is a really nice Photo Greg!!

  4. Lets just say at mine....we will have an itinery sent to us via the wife.

    We (meaning her) are organizational like that....

    glad you had a good time! Was busy in KC this week, dont think I ate dinner before 8 any of the nights.


  5. and by the way.....Mike dated one of Anna's friends before they started dating if I remember right.....I am not sure I remember correctly...we did drink a lot back then
