Friday, June 20, 2008

Your Kidding Right?

Was my daughter really up at 5:37 am this morning?

She is going to the doc today as we think she has allergies or something. She is up a lot at night coughing and always seems to be wheezy. Lets hope it is not asthma that she has. I have it, and it sucks.

Did I mention that I cannot remember when the last time was that Ellie slept past 6:30am.

Seriously little princess, I love you so much it is crazy, but do you think you could sleep till 7 or 8 or 9 or noon maybe??

In other news, I will actually be finishing the flower bed overhaul that we started a month ago. I went to Daddy-O and BOO BOO's house and got some rock and brought it out to our house. I am going to edge the beds with said rock and hopefully will have before and after pics to show you guys by Monday.

On a day I work, I would have been up for almost 2 hours by now. Why is it that I am so damn tired now on my day off when the child wakes up early?

Adios for now while Ellie and I get some breakfast. More later!



  1. Can't wait to see flower pics...we need landscaping so bad but we need to wait til the crazy dog quits his digging....I think you need a good video so you can take a nappy !!!

  2. Holy crap! That is WAY too early!

  3. I'm looking forward to my boys getting up at noon. Or later!
    My kids all get up early too. It sucks.

  4. Max was doing the same for a while and he just started sleeping past 6 30 sometimes. I hope you find out why she is coughing.
