Friday, June 6, 2008

My Crazy 8's

I've been tagged by my blog friend from Scotland (how frickin cool is that!!) Amanda X over at Penny 'n' Pounds! It's a tricky one but I will try my best to come up with some new things:)

Eight things I have a passion for~

1. Dt. Pepsi. I love it and drink it every day. If I don't get one, I am grumpy.
2. I love gum. I chew it all day, everyday. It gets expensive, but I hate thinking I have bad breath.
3. Ellie. I have so much love for that little girl, it is crazy.
4. Bowling. Love it, just don't love the long season anymore. I also love to play softball, but have yet to find a team to play on here in MN.
5. Guns. Handguns specifically. I am not some nut jobs who needs to own 700 of them. But they are just so damn sexy. I want one really bad, and some day (soon I hope) I will be buying one. Do you think this has something to do with the profession I am in and want to move on to? OK, you may all think that I am crazy now:)
6. My Job. I have some really frustrating days at work, but overall I love the job I do. I try everyday to learn as much as I can, and do the best I can.
7. My family. They are the world to me, and I never want to disappoint them.
8. WWII. I love to read, watch, look at, and learn all I can about this war. I am not sure why, but I cannot get enough.

Eight things I would like to do before I die~

1. See Europe. Mainly the route from Normandy to Berlin and other places where the war took place.
2. Run a full marathon
3. Visit all the national parks in the US. Oh, and take pictures, of course:)
4. Own a pair of Jimmy Choos. Wait. That was Amanda's.
5. I want to take my daughter to Disney World while she is still a kid.
6. Get a job as a police officer.
7. Compete in a triathlon. Even if it is a mini one.
8. I also would like to grow really old together with my wife.

8 things I say a lot~

1. You got to be F**king me.
2. Allegedly
3. I love you (always to my daughter, and I should say it more to the wife)
4. REALLY?!?! (in a sarcastic tone)
5. Hands behind your back, palms facing out, thumbs up, and turn your head to the left.
6. ELLIE!!!!
7. Do we have enough money to get.....
8. I'm just sayin.....

8 books I have read recently~

1. Ricochet by Sandra Brown
2. Shoot him if he runs by Stuart Woods
3. Silent Prey by John Sanford
4. Copper River by William Kent Kruger
5. Phantom Prey by John Sanford
6. Broken Prey by John Sanford
7. Naked Prey by John Sanford
8. Short Straw by Stuart Woods

Eight Movies I have seen Eight Times ~

1. Band of Brothers
2. Tommy Boy
3. Dirty Dancing ( no I am not gay, my mom loved this movie and we watched it a lot when we were kids)
4. SuperTroopers
5. AnchorMan
6. Eddie Murphy: RAW
7. Ratatouille
8. Dora's summer adventures (remember I have a 2 year old!!)

8 people I invite to do this Meme ~

1. Captain
2. Rachel
3. Chas
4. Christy
5. Alfred's Mom
6. Teach (when she gets her new computer)
7. Nellie
8. And Miss again!!

It would be fun to see what you guys have for answers but don't feel like you don't have to!



  1. "1. Band of Brothers
    2. Tommy Boy"

    Makes me wonder... what serious war movie/show could not be improved by the inclusion of Chris Farley?

  2. Thanks for taking part!
    I'm a uk size 7 in a shoe, is that your size? Let me know, i will post the Jimmy Choos to you if you have a special night out organised!
    Now, not many frieds would do that for ya!

  3. tee hee, I was going to tell you which ones I do too, but then I saw you tagged me! So I'll post this this weekend probably.

    My husband submitted his application for a county dep. sheriff's position! We'll see. The salary isnt much better, but you get to take your car home. :) Free gas and a car. Would be great, we'll see!

  4. I might have already done this...not sure...I'll check.

    I also love WWII. I'm not a fanatic about it, but I find it very interesting.

  5. thanks for waiting! I will do this tonight!
