Saturday, April 26, 2008

Early night and wine.

Well I think we have figured out why the child has not been wanting to go to sleep. You see it started with hating the bath (which she used to love), then it has moved to bedtime. Well tonight we put Ellie in the tub, and she started crying about poop being in the tub. Kris made sure E knew that the tub had been cleaned and that there was no poop or puke in the tub. After about 40 seconds of talking, Ellie sat in the tub and had a good ol time!!

Then the light came on. We thought maybe she was upset that she had puked in her room and on her sheets. So when it was time for bed, we went upstairs and made a production of cleaning the floor and changing the sheets so that there was no puke anywhere. Well guess what? SHE WENT TO BED!!!! It only took a couple of books and a sip of apple juice, and she was out for the night! HIGH FIVE TO THE PARENTS. For once in a week we used our heads and figured this thing out.

EDIT: The floor and sheets were actually clean, except in Ellie's mind!!!

So to celebrate we came downstairs and drank some of this.

Ohhhh delicious Cabernet, you are a trusted friend:) This one is from Chile. It is delicious.



  1. Congrats on a mystery solved! A job well done. How many bottles do you have? This might be a 2fer night :-)

  2. LOL !
    Im glad you've solved that one.
    Hope you enjoyed the wine and that you guys don't have too much of a sore head this a.m.

    Take Care,
    Amanda :-)

  3. I am so glad that you guys have some love time. As for the bed and bath-it is wild that kids will get things in their head and there is no changing it until you create a new memory.

  4. I guess she won't like Mom and Dad's sink either if that is the case. She puked there a few times too!

    We'll have to clean that tomorrow!

  5. good job!!!

    and hell yeah to the wine. I havent had any yet since having jackson (well, since becoming pregnant, you know what I mean) and I think it is nearly time for a glass. Very nearly.

  6. That is hilarious! the certainly do have a mind of their own!
    Isnt it amazing how painfully long it can take to figure out somethign sOO simple? =) good job..I am jelous of the wine...I have been craving some but have none.

    Did you and Kris talk about another weekend or two that will work for you guys?

  7. you should be ashamed of yourself for posting that wine IN FRONT OF ME! just kidding.

    PS your word verification is like a TEST!
