Friday, April 4, 2008

Sickness recant

Well, I may have spoken too soon. It turns out that while I was feeling better on Wednesday and most of Thursday, I may have jumped the gun on being not sick. You see, I started to feel like crap again last night. Then today while watching miss Ellie, I was trying to wash dishes and almost passed out at the sink.

Soooo, we make the trip to urgent care tonight only to find out that I have bronchitis. Yes, FRICKIN BRONCHITIS!!!!!!

Rest oh friends that have had contact with me this week, as the doctor said that it is not contagious. And certainly not contagious like diarrhea (the docs words, not mine).

So this guy got a note, and directions from the doc, to stay home the rest of the weekend and take it easy. He gave me zithromax to take for 5 days, because apparently when you have asthma, bronchitis can work its way into pneumonia. So that is the fun I get to have this weekend. What are you doing??



  1. I cannot imagine how you feel. UGH-I hate that stuff. I used to get it all of the time. do you take vitamin c daily?

  2. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!!! I too have asthma and have had bronchitis before and it can be a lot worse for us. Actually, that's how I got asthma in the first place. Bad bad case of bronchitis in college, that I ignored until I simply couldnt breathe one night. It did a lot of damage, and for 2 years I was on a lot of asthma medications. Today I dont have to take anything daily, and as long as I dont get a chest cold or decide to go running (ha!) then I dont have to use my inhaler hardly ever.

    But seriously, enough about me, take good care of yourself.
