Friday, April 11, 2008

Old Man Winter

April showers.........OK I can handle April showers because they bring May flowers. April snow showers though?!?!?!?! One thing comes to mind when I see this out my window.

KISS MY ASS OLD MAN WINTER!!!!!! Oh, and Mother Nature, you can suck a fat one too! Thanks:)

Your Friend,



  1. Beware its the "Snownami"

    Wind, rain, snow, ice, sleet, thunder, etc......

  2. I wish you had a nice sunny day!!

  3. It was 70 degrees in Jersey today. Damn, it was nice. Not that I am bragging or anything. I even turned the air conditioning on. It was nice!

  4. Again......thanks for the laugh on this one! I'm saying the same thing to Mother Nature today....41 freakin' degrees in the deep south! EAT ME!!! Ha Ha!! Hi to K and E!
