Saturday, November 24, 2007

Space Case

I go 22 days, posting every damn day. I make a point of it no matter what is going on and how late I may be running. Then comes yesterday. I get up at noon. We put up the tree. We leave for the holiday stroll. We come home, and what happens? I completely space out posting and thusly F up the whole NaBloPoMo thing. DAMN IT!! Oh well, who wants possible prizes anyways? Note the sarcasm.

Things with the family have gotten better. I talked to my mom and she says she knew nothing of the phone call from my sis. So I guess that means that the sister took things a bit more seriously than what she needed to. We are meeting at the local casino for breakfast this AM, and then mom, aunt, and grandma are coming out for a bit afterwards. I still have not spoken with my sister, and don't know when I am going to. I am still afraid that if I talked to her right now, I would blow up and say things that I don't really mean.

So there it is. Have a great weekend all!!



  1. Hey Greg - Thanks for adding me to your blogroll. Although I haven't had the time yet to read much here, I really enjoyed your photos from August.

    Sorry about the family problems - because of a huge blow-up of an argument, I haven't spoken to my step dad for over a year, and I've seen my brother and sisters once since then, so I know what it's like. Good luck with all that.

    Thanks for working on Thanksgiving, too. ;-)

    Take care.

  2. Local casino as in TI? Home of the best buffet ever?!

  3. We love TI! For a treat we stay over, get the buffet and drink ourselves silly. Of course these days I like the buffet better than the bar =) Have you ever eaten there on THursday night when they have CRAB LEGS? HEAVEN! If you like seafood...
