Thursday, November 15, 2007


Can someone please explain to my daughter that if she wants to sit on her little chair by her little table, then she needs to STAY ON THE F**KIN thing!! Also, could you explain to her that it is not as much fun for mom and dad to CONTINUALLY walk over to said chair to put her back on every 3 seconds.

In other news, we are going to town today around noon so that I can get my flu shot. K called me this morning and told me that it is not actually a shot, but a nose spray that they give you! Yes, I hate shots. E has her 18 month check up today and I have a feeling she will be getting the flu shot as well which equals a evening of hell in our house, as she is always super cranky after she gets a shot.

I talked to a friend yesterday that said he wrote a blog post that was all one sentence. No comma's, no periods, no nothing. He said he did it just to see if he would get any response. He also said it was way funny when he got a bunch of comments about it being all one long sentence. Might be fun to try sometime.

My child is now in her toy basket and cannot get out. She is crying. I must go.



  1. Hmmm in our clinic the nasal spray was only for CHILDREN! WIMP! hee hee plus duct tape workds wonders on the chair...

  2. I think Jason's had that nose spray flu thing before. If I remember correctly, that's what they do in the Army. I've never had a flu shot. Less is best in my book!
